Jeb Bush: "People Should Work Longer Hours"

Oh Jeb. You are so, so wrong.* 

“Low-stress, balanced work lives... leave us refreshed, strong and able to carry on as economic contributors for a full four or five decades, instead of burned out and broken by a too-early middle age.”
— Sara Robinson

This seems like a good time to break out and share Sara Robinson's solid reporting on the history of the 40-hour workweek, packed full of more excellent points than I have room to quote. 

Long story short: grinding + long hours ≠ increased productivity.

This point seems so obvious that it's barely worth making. And yet...


*Updated 7/10/15: Ok, so it looks like this Bush quote was taken out of context, but the discussion is still relevant. Just ignore the Bush, but please do read the Robinson. 

And here's another on time and creative productivity from The Atlantic


OMG NOKelli R. Kane